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Prosper Portland Equity Framework

In 2018, Kapwa consulting led Prosper Portland through a strategic organizational assessment to identify pathways to advance their equity work from the inside out. The equity framework is a culmination of a variety of tools developed through staff engagement to define a clear theory of change, language, and culture to hold themselves accountable to advancing their equity goals.

Voz Environmental Justice Framework

The mission of Voz Workers Rights and Education Project (Voz) is to empower diverse day laborers
and immigrants to improve their working conditions and protect civil rights through leadership
development, organizing, education and economic opportunity.

Portland Climate Action Plan Through Equity

The 2015 City of Portland Multnomah County Climate Action Plan set a new trajectory for municipal climate work. It was the first Climate Action Plan to acknowledge and aim to address the intersectional challenges of systemic racism and Climate Change.

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