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Innovation Projects

Sounding the Call

The Sounding the Call Convening is an aligned collaboration of practitioners within the national movement ecosystem who hold various roles that build capacity and relationships between government and community to take action on climate equity and climate justice.

The Currents Project

This project is a national collaborative effort that aims to develop place-based pilot projects which ultimately will transform economic, cultural and political power to accelerate the transformation required to act on and create racially just climate action.

Justice40 Capacity Building Fund

The goal of the American Cities Climate Challenge Justice40 Capacity Building Fund (J40 Fund), was to support community-based organizations to engage and partner with their local government to advance community-led projects that align with the Justice40 Initiative.

ACCC Equity Capacity Building Fund

The purpose of the Climate Challenge Equity Capacity Building Fund was to help city staff and community groups meaningfully and intentionally collaborate on equitable initiatives by securing the capacity building support needed to move work forward.

AfroEcology Framework

In 2017, Meyer Memorial Trust funded a partnership between Imagine Black (formerly PAALF) and Africa House in Portland, OR to develop a Climate Strategy. Desiree led a coalition of Black City Staff and community members in the design and implementation of a community dialogue series that resulted in the AfroEcology Framework.

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